Term 4, Issue 1 - Wellbeing | žžTV College


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With October being National Mental Health Awareness Month, it is an opportunity for us all to highlight the importance of good mental health, especially given the challenges that the past eighteen months have presented.

On Friday 1 October, Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA) celebrated the launch of National Mental Health Awareness Month with an event that featured many leading industry experts and federal ministers who presented and showed their support of this great initiative.

This event included a virtual awards ceremony whereby various individuals, groups and organisations were recognised for their achievements and contributions in raising mental health awareness.

SchoolTV was awarded ‘Mental Health Organisation of the Year’ by the Victorian chapter in recognition of the important support they offer to schools and parent communities.

Parents are encouraged to watch The Wellbeing Barometer’ and complete the survey which gauges the state of student wellbeing at our school.

Antonella Rosati

Acting Principal
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