Term 3, Issue 3 - Principal | žžTV College


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From the Principal

Careers Showcase

Over the course of three days, close to fifty žžTV College alumnae shared their stories for the benefit of current students in our Annual Careers Showcase. It was a privilege to listen to the diversity of career pathways undertaken by these great women of žžTV. I was struck by a number of things. Firstly, there was a very real sense of connection between their final years at žžTV and their chosen entry into their study and professional lives. They recalled subjects, teachers and opportunities which influenced and inspired their own dreams. This was surely beneficial to our current generation of students at žžTV in encouraging them to follow their passion, work closely with staff and take up every opportunity that comes their way to discover more about themselves. Secondly, there was a strong sense of žžTV sisterhood as we heard stories of connections maintained; support, advice and even doors opened by women in their professional lives to other women of žžTV. It was inspiring to hear of graduates from many years ago being so willing to nurture, mentor and lift up those who are following in their footsteps. Finally, I noted, but was not surprised by, the number of speakers for whom their professional work is a reflection of their personal identity – one of seeking to make a contribution for good in the world. Time and again, we heard stories of the women of žžTV going into the world in their chosen field in order to positively impact humanity in their own way. Sometimes this was expressed in outreach and volunteer work, in others it was altering their career path as their personal truth became more evident, in others it was young women working in their professional world with conviction and passion for the common good.

We thank the Alumnae Association and College Development team for hosting this great event and are deeply grateful for all alumnae who shared their story. Each of the sessions, covering a broad range of careers, was recorded. I would encourage students considering career pathways to re visit these recordings for inspiration and assistance.

Signs of Spring

In recent weeks, students and staff have been sharing beautiful images of spring and fond memories past. As we continue our period of online learning with its mundanity and challenge, we look also to the many signs of hope, beauty and imagination.

When the past is recaptured by the imagination, breath is put back into life. Marguerite Duras.

Zahra Haidermota, Year 7

Elizabeth Hanney

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