In the chaos of our own age, Lent invites us into the immediacy of our own lives, in relationship with others: to reflect on our need to forgive, to make peace, to heal, to give generously of our gifts and resources.
Positive friendships are an important part of the journey to adulthood. Parents can support their child by providing guidance on the many social and emotional skills required for a healthy relationship.
Student reflections on the International Women’s Day breakfast at Queen’s Hall, Parliament House, hosted by the Alliance of Girls Schools Australasia (AGSA) on Friday, 4 March.
The žžTV College community is warmly invited to žžTV's Night of Jazz, which will take place on Thursday, 24 March at the Manningham Hotel in Bulleen. Auditions for Honk! Jr will be commencing soon.
Our Year 7 students begin each Mathematics lesson with Times Tables Rock Stars, a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice in a game like format.
We are more than halfway through first term and I have enjoyed meeting with Year 12 students to discuss their future plans, and looking at the various pathways and courses that will enable them to reach their career goals.
"For the Christian, the season of Lent and Easter tells of a God who intervened in human history in an unimaginable way. God didn’t come to a perfect time or a perfect place. Jesus entered the chaos of people’s lives and the chaos of our world. Let us not be afraid then, of the chaos that is often around us and within us. In particular, let us not be afraid of the chaos that we see in the lives of others: the homeless person, the refugee, the person recovering in hospital. If God entered our chaos, let us not be afraid to step into the chaos of those we serve and love."
Dipping into Lent, Alan Hilliard
In the chaos of our own age, Lent invites us into the immediacy of our own lives, in relationship with others: to reflect on our need to forgive, to make peace, to heal, to give generously of our gifts and resources. Lent invites us to concentrate on the spiritual quality of our lives. Just as we have been reminded throughout the pandemic of the importance of the mental and physical quality of our lives, this spiritual dimension turns our attention outside of ourselves toward others and to God. As Christians, and in our Dominican tradition, we view this spiritual dimension as critical not only to our personal wellbeing but also to a holistic education; one which regards the full flourishing of the human person as deeply reliant on the full flourishing of all of humanity: God’s vision.
Lent asks us to see and be God’s grace at work in the world. This week, I was able to witness this in the work of our student leaders. Following their leadership of our Ash Wednesday liturgies, this week student leaders met to prepare for Project Compassion initiatives which will run over the remaining weeks of term. In their collaboration, these fine young women showed their commitment to helping the žžTV student body deepen their knowledge of and response to the cry of the poor and marginalised. Their meeting began with a beautiful prayer for the people of Ukraine, with fervent petitions for an end to this tyranny.
Here at žžTV we marked the beginning of Lent with Liturgies of the Word and distribution of ashes in House Groups – these were led by students and focused on the 2022 Project Compassion theme, For All Future Generations.
It is a centuries old tradition for the Pope to celebrate Eucharist on Ash Wednesday at the headquarters of the Dominican Family, Santa Sabina, Rome. Unfortunately, a knee injury prevented Pope Francis from carrying on this tradition this year but he composed a homily to be read. He reflected on the importance of connections between generations:
“The alliance of the generations is indispensable. A society in which the elderly do not speak with the young, the young do not speak with the elderly, is a sterile society, without a future, a society that does not look to the horizon but rather looks at itself. And it becomes lonely,” he said.
“May God help us to find the right music for this harmonisation of the various ages: the little ones, the elderly, adults, everyone together: a beautiful symphony of dialogue.”
Project Compassion: online donations are open!
This year’s Project Compassion campaign, For All Future Generations was launched last week. The Project Compassion initiatives are underway, boxes are situated in House Groups and donations can be made online . Heartfelt thanks to our Development and Finance Teams for making this available to our wider žžTV Community.
Join us to help support remote and vulnerable communities across Asia, Africa, the Pacific, the Middle East and in Australia. Your generosity today can help communities access clean water, food security, skills training, health and sanitation and disaster risk reduction training. Together with your support, we can create lasting change.
Year 7 Reflection Day: In Truth and Action
Last Friday, members of the Mission and Identity Team accompanied Year 7 students and Religious Education teachers to Catholic Leadership Centre, East Melbourne for our annual Reflection Day.
The focus was on ways to live our 2022 College Theme as a community. Workshops were conducted to help individuals consider how they can do this as Dominicans and as stewards of Creation. Our final session challenged us to live Lent well, and make ethical choices informed by Catholic Social Teaching when purchasing Easter chocolate.
Jennifer Levett
Deputy Principal Mission and Identity
Learning and Teaching
Learning Conversations for Year 7 to 12 Students and Parents
A reminder that Learning Conversations will take place via MS Teams at the end of Term 1. Please note the following important dates around the Conversations:
Wednesday, 23 March Bookings open for VCE Conversations at 9.00am
Thursday, 24 March Bookings open for Year 7 to 10 Students at 9.00am
Thursday, 31 March Learning Conversations take place from 4.00pm to 7.30pm
Friday, 1 April (student free day) Learning Conversations take place from 8.45am to 3.45pm
Parents are encouraged to contact the subject teacher with specific concerns throughout the term. The Learning Conversations provide an opportunity to briefly share student learning progress. We always endeavour to provide the maximum number of after hours sessions, whilst also taking our teaching staff into consideration. Please make your bookings as soon as you can, as sessions for certain subjects can become fully booked quite quickly.
Parents will be notified when bookings are open and guidelines will be provided as to how to navigate Learning Conversations on MS Teams in Week 8.
Assessment Task Absence
Student absence from assessment due to COVID-19 positive / household contact isolation
The procedures for students absent from assessment due to COVID-19 positive / household contact isolation are the same as for an absent student.
Students are asked to submit an (Years 7 to 10). VCE students are asked to contact Head of Senior Pathways, Anita Galli, to inform of absence. The form can be completed when a student returns to school (first lesson) or will be accepted via email whilst students are absent.
The can be accessed by students and parents on the žžTV Central Student and Parent Zones. The student needs to include:
A medical certificate (for illness or injury) or
A written statement from parents or guardians, supporting the situation
A SMS screenshot of the COVID-19 positive / household contact official notification
Absence from Tests, Presentations and Performances (Years 7 to 11)
Absence on the day of a test, presentation or performance must be fair to both the individual student and to all other students enrolled in the subject.
All students must meet consistent performance standards and requirements of knowledge and skills. Consequently, tests, presentations and performances for which a student has been absent must be completed as soon as practicable, given the student’s length of absence. At Years 7 to 11, this will normally occur in the next lesson. Year 11 students may access the Year 12 Rescheduled SAC Session (Thursday night after school).
Horizons Week(previously known as Activities Week)
Horizons Week provides the opportunity for cohort specific connection building, collaboration and experiential learning. Each year level has a specific, carefully considered and planned program in support of the learning and wellbeing of students. We kindly request your support in student attendance.
Monday, 4 April to Friday, 8 April The žžTV in the City program will keep our Year 9 students busy on an adventure of discovery and learning in Melbourne’s CBD
Monday, 4 April: Onsite planning
Tuesday, 5 April to Friday, 8 April: City experience
Wednesday, 6 April to Friday, 8 April
Year 7 and Year 10 students will attend Lord Somers Camp
Year 8 students will be involved in a variety of experiential activities, including Indigenous Encounter program, as well as History and Geography experiential activities
The focus for Year 11 students will be on Careers and Opportunities for the Future
Year 12 students will be on retreat at Pallotti College, Millgrove
Parents will receive notification for the different year levels in the coming weeks.
VCE Acknowledgment Assembly
A number of College events have been postponed to later in the year, when we hope to be able to host ‘external’ visitors without restriction. The Academic Acknowledgement Assembly will now take place in Term 2. Award recipients have been notified of this change via email, and we will keep students, past students and their parents updated when dates and times are confirmed. As we continue to make adjustments to the timing of College events, we thank you for your ongoing understanding.
This week, Year 7 and Year 9 parents will receive further communication regarding NAPLAN arrangements via News Digest on žžTV Central. Online NAPLAN Testing will occur on Wednesday, 11 May, Thursday, 12 May and Monday, 16 May.
Donna Laughlin
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
Making Friends and Having A Sense of Belonging at žžTV
Learning how to forge and maintain friendships involves a number of important skills that every young person should acquire. For some young people, these skills will come to them very naturally, allowing them to easily move between different friendship groups, sharing their experiences and opening up to new people. For others, this can be challenging. Belonging to a group that is like minded with similar interests is highly beneficial to a person’s wellbeing. It gives the individual a sense of security, which helps them to feel valued and in turn, builds up their confidence. Year 7 and 8 students have been provided with extra ‘connection’ sessions this term to assist in friendship building. All teachers have been supporting students to mix and interact with each other during classes via group assignments and seating plans.
Positive friendships are an important part of the journey to adulthood. Parents can support their child by providing guidance on the many social and emotional skills required for a healthy relationship. This will help them to obtain, retain and maintain friendships. However, not all friendships are regarded as positive. Sometimes, young people develop negative friendships so it is also important for them to learn how to identify, avoid or deal with such a friendship. This week, Year 8 students watched The Hurting Game, a live theatre experience which explored a number of issues that can sour friendships. It also offered opportunities for self reflection.
In this edition of , parents and guardians can learn how to support their child’s friendship so that they can experience a sense of belonging. We hope that the information offered is both informative and helpful.
We caught up with some students to find out how they feel about making friends at žžTV College and the sense of community that they have experienced thus far:
"I feel that I have connected with the people in my year level and made lots of friends during the first few weeks of the term. I feel that everyone has been so welcoming and helpful in making sure that I feel belonged at žžTV."
Year 7 Student, Mikayla
“At žžTV, one of my favourite parts of our year level is how I feel like I can have a conversation with anyone. Everyone in our year is so friendly, and even if I don’t talk to some people as often as others, I know that they will always be up for a chat if I initiated one, and that I will be able to get along well with them in any situation. It’s a great feeling to know you are supported by all the girls around you.”
Year 10 Student, Abbey
"žžTV has really supported and welcomed me throughout my learning years. I have positive connections with my teachers and peers, which has made my first three years at žžTV really safe and fun. I believe that the Year 10 cohort is strongly connected and I feel that I am able to speak and help everyone in my year level. I feel supported by my close friends and I enjoy the chats I have with everyone in my classes and at lunch/recess. My friendships have really made me feel like I belong at žžTV."
Year 10 Student, Eden
"I love the sense of community that has been made evident to me via all aspects of College life. Being surrounded by teachers who are constantly offering support, advice or even sharing a laugh, has done wonders to my education and wellbeing. I am very grateful for the friendships that I have formed with students in my year level, House, Homeroom and through GSV sporting teams. I genuinely believe that my belonging revolves around these friendships and knowing that I am surrounded by many people who genuinely care about me at žžTV. I really value this sense of community because it is what makes me feel involved, allows me to give back and makes me want to continue to experience those moments of joy and laughter with my friends."
Year 10 Student, Amy
"No matter where you come from or who you know and don't know at žžTV, you will find some amazing people whom you will create awesome memories with, throughout your school years and possibly even further. So far, I have felt welcomed by my peers, teachers and older students. I would like to live by this quote: "To feel I belong and make others feel like they belong too". Ultimately, the valuable friendships I have formed at žžTV provide with enjoyment and motivation."
Year 7 Student, Heidi
"My friends support me and make me enjoy school because I feel safe with them. My friends bring laughter and joy to the day, and I feel welcomed at žžTV and that I belong to the community through the žžTV spirit. House and year level activities make me feel part of a group, and intertwining activities between year levels allow me to make friends throughout the College. This results in strengthening of the žžTV spirit. Having positive relationships with my teachers allows me, as a student, to feel supported and guided throughout my school journey. Not only so, the relationships that I have formed with teachers and friends at žžTV make me feel welcomed and belonged to the community."
Year 10 Student, Melania
"During my six years at žžTV, I have been so lucky to make many new friends and maintain friendships from primary school; I value each of these friendships so much. This has been one of the highlights of my žžTV experience.
Every year, žžTV has endeavoured in placing students with a variety of people by mixing up classes. In my experience, this was the main way I became friends with so many different people that I would never have expected to have anything in common with. One of my closest friends is someone whom I was placed in multiple classes with during Year 9; we quickly became friends when we started sitting beside each other. Having many interactions with different classmates each year has enabled me to become friendly with so many students and has strengthened my sense of belonging at žžTV, while also enabling me to make lifelong friends."
Year 12 Student, Sarah
"We are fortunate at žžTV to have a community where I feel valued and belonged by being active in the many different aspects of it. Over the years, I have been able to forge friendships with different groups of students through classes, GSV and House events, which has allowed me to enjoy the experience of attending school. The positive relationships have enhanced my learning at the College. Having the opportunity to identify as a žžTV student and being part of the Cassia House, has allowed me to express my personality with confidence in the inclusive environment of žžTV."
Year 10 Student, Emma
"Although we haven't been able to meet our Big Sisters yet, I have thoroughly enjoyed my first few weeks at žžTV. I have met many new people, and I look forward to meeting many more. During my first few weeks at žžTV, I have felt that everyone has been friendly and warm, be it students or staff. I think having both a learning group and a House group has helped me to get to know more people from different circles. Various school activities have also helped me to form connections with girls in my year level."
Year 7 Student, Margot
"I know I haven't been at žžTV for long, but I have had the most wonderful experience so far! I have already made quite a large friendship group that keeps on expanding! A good friendship means loyalty, trust, laughter, generosity and kindness. A good friend will never hurt you or say something rude behind your back. I have so many good friends and I can't wait to meet so many more throughout my years at this school!
All the staff and older girls have been so welcoming and have made me feel like I belong at the school. They have been very understanding and are always there to answer any questions. When you belong, you become a part of something-a community. I think that all the new year sevens now belong in the žžTV community where everyone helps each other and always cheers each other up. They never put anyone down. The žžTV community will continue to grow but will never stop being so welcoming and making sure everyone belongs."
Year 7 Student, Olivia
"Hello, my name is Dana and I am in Year 7. My friendships are going well as I have a group to hang out with everyday. I have a really good friend who is always excited to see me. Even though my group of friends are in another class, I still have a few friends who are always nice to me. I feel more comfortable at žžTV now, compared to at the start, since I have friends, older students and teachers to guide me now."
Year 7 Student, Dana
Antonella Rosati
Acting Principal
The Hurting Game
On Monday, 7March, all Year 8 students were invited to watch The Hurting Game, a performance by Brainstorm Productions. This experience sparked off conversations on friendships, online behaviour, resilience and the mental health issues many adolescents face.
The Hurting Game explored the skills students in this current age and time will require, in order to cope with life’s challenges and build meaningful connections. The performance highlighted the games we play to give ourselves a false sense of power and belonging, which can lead to anxiety, loneliness and disconnection. It challenged students to think about how they treat themselves and others, be it online or offline, and provided strategies for breaking unhealthy behaviour patterns.
Issues such as cyberbullying, mental health and body image were explored in a Question and Answer Session, post performance. The themes that were unpacked in The Hurting Game will continue to be unpacked in future Wellness lessons.
The Wellbeing Team continues to look for opportunities that bring together our College community to promote the message that ‘bullying and violence are not okay’. The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence will be held on Friday, 18 March. The theme of the year is 'Kindness Culture'. A range of activities will be available on the day to all students to promote inclusiveness, respect and community belonging within the College.
Minna Jewell
Acting Deputy Principal Wellbeing
2022 Caritas Project Compassion Launch
"The 2022 Project Compassion launch was held online on Tuesday, 1 March and was hosted by Mercy College. Year 10 Student Leaders and Year 8 Student Voice Leaders joined Head of Student Formation, Peta Mackintosh for this event which commenced with a liturgy. The Project Compassion theme for this year is For Future Generations. Many primary schools and high schools across Melbourne joined Caritas to support the launch of this year's campaign to generate awareness and consider fundraising options. As students, we were able to learn and understand more about Caritas Australia, as well as where to donate and direct our support. As part of the launch, we heard from Caritas Australia’s Africa Programs Coordinator, Lulu Mitshabu. Lulu shared her story with us, offering insight into the work she has done for her community in Africa and beyond. She shared the harsh realities many faced due to poverty, and the absence of basic human rights. Lulu explained that before Caritas’ support, the local school in her community only ran until Year Five, and the nearest hospital was 8km away with limited transport options available. We found it uplifting that through Lulu and Caritas’ cooperation, change was able to happen within the community and people's dignity restored, as they had the opportunity to have a say in how the funds were used.
We are hoping that the žžTV Community can work together to organise activities that increase individuals' knowledge of Caritas' work and the need to reach out and support communities in need. Funds and awareness are key!"
Year 10 House Captains, Amy Duffy and Eden Herring
Click to donate.
Peta Mackintosh
Head of Student Formation
International Women's Day Breakfast at Parliament House
College Captains, Macey Brick and Ashling O’Farrell and Community Engagement Leader, Charlotte Dickson attended the IWD Breakfast held at Parliament House on Friday, 4 March. Enjoy reading the student leaders' reflections on their participation in this event.
"Accompanied by Mrs Hanney and Ms Seymour, we had the privilege of attending the International Women’s Day breakfast at Queen’s Hall, Parliament House, hosted by the Alliance of Girls Schools Australasia (AGSA). In the morning, we were joined by Sally Capp, the first woman to be directly elected as Lord Mayor. Sally Capp has a wealth of experience: a former solicitor, the first woman to hold the post of Agent-General for Victoria in the UK, Europe and Israel, as well as multiple senior leadership positions in Victorian businesses, board member of the Collingwood FC and Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, and more. We were hosted by Georgie Crozier MP, who shared some of her experiences as a past healthcare worker and taking on various portfolios within the shadow cabinet of the Victorian Parliament, currently being the Shadow Minister for Health."
Community Engagement Leader, Charlotte Dickson
"The breakfast was centred around the 2022 International Women’s Day theme, #BreakTheBias. We were privileged to hear from Georgie Crozier MP and the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Sally Capp, two strong women in leadership. One valuable takeaway from listening to these inspiring women was the importance of speaking up about the injustices we may face and ensure our voice is heard. Sally Capp expressed the importance of clearly communicating the result you desire, in order for any change to occur – those around you can only assist you if they are aware of what is important to you."
College Captain, Macey Brick
"It was an honour not only to hear Sally Capp and Georgie Crozier speak beautifully and passionately on topics close to their hearts, but for them to clinically express that there are so many stories of inspiring women that are ignored or forgotten was invaluable. The fact that to #BreakTheBias we must look back to the wonderful women that made this modern world a reality; who initially broke the bias in their world and made it possible for us to do likewise in our society. One aspect that resonated with me was that we don’t want to go back to a so called ‘normal’ world as we are so much better for the last two years and what they have taught us about ourselves. We are so much more flexible and adaptable to change, willing to learn new skills, grateful for the small things in life and closer to our families. Overall, Sally Capp and Georgie Crozier spoke to the key topics regarding #BreakTheBias and left us with inspiring messages to put into practice in our own worlds to make the world a more just place."
What a huge fortnight it has been for žžTV girls!!!
Our Term 1 weekly GSV sports have been rolling on, with excellent indoor cricket, softball and tennis matches. A huge thank you to students for being so flexible this past fortnight, as we managed absentees and swapped students around into different teams, and sometimes different sports. The žžTV team spirit has been incredible! Our aerobics, running, footy, as well as strength and conditioning clubs are also going well, with students showing a keen interest to participate and improve.
Our žžTV girls also participated in the GSV triathlon, out at Altona beach on Sunday, 27 February. Well done to the triathlon team, it must have been a great effort to get out early and compete on a Sunday morning!
A huge congratulations to the following students:
Kara Ilardi
Tia McCann
Sarah Stravato
Emmaline Charlton
Sienna Reidy
Natalia Moraitis
Kara Jackson
Alana Stravato
Isabella Magee
Helen Kyriakos
Stephanie Cullinan
In addition, we also had our Preliminary Swimming and Diving Carnival on Friday, 4 March. Well done to all students who participated and again, you have shown incredible žžTV team spirit! A special mention to one of our divers, Edie Mitra, who was awarded first place in her division. What outstanding result! We look forward to seeing her again, along with all our swimmers and divers at the Championship GSV Carnival held next week.
Lastly, a big thank you to all of our teachers and coaches who worked tirelessly this fortnight on the žžTV Sports program. You are doing an amazing job!
Julia Hay
Director of Sport
2022 Night of Jazz and Honk! Jr
The žžTV College community is warmly invited to žžTV's Night of Jazz, which will take place on Thursday, 24 March at the Manningham Hotel in Bulleen.
A traditional highlight of the music calendar, žžTV's Night of Jazz celebrates our jazz program by featuring our bands and soloists alongside a professional 'house band' and an exciting guest artist. The event also provides important preparation for upcoming performances at the All-State Jazz Championships. The audience will enjoy table seating and light supper in the style of a jazz club, with drinks available at bar prices.
In 2022, we are very excited to welcome Ross Irwin as our special guest artist. Ross is the director of the All-State Jazz Festival, and is one of Australia's most exciting music identities. As a trumpeter, multi instrumentalist, band leader and composer/arranger, he has toured extensively with The Cat Empire, The Bamboos, and performed with countless Australian and international artists including Paul Kelly, Kate Ceberano, Harry Connick Jr and Kurt Elling, to name but a few. In preparation for žžTV's Night of Jazz, Ross will work with our jazz bands and soloists.
Bookings are essential and in line with government regulations, all visitors must provide proof of vaccination/medical exemption at check in. We are unable to permit walk ins at any event. Please note that students who are performing do not require tickets.
Capacity is limited and we recommend you book early to avoid missing out! Tickets are now available .
Honk! Jr
Students interested in auditioning for the žžTV 2022 Musical, Honk! Jr are reminded that all audition related resources can be found on . Audition forms can be uploaded to the .
I strongly suggest reading the Audition Pack carefully and using the script, sheet music and song backing files to prepare for your audition. Auditions are in groups for ensemble members but if you are wanting to audition for a lead role, it will be a solo audition.
Year 7 to 10 students can audition and if they are not in one of the school choirs already, they can join from this week.
If you have any questions, please email Mrs McGillen.
Kerryn McGillen
Director of Music
Times Tables Rock Stars!
is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice in a game like format. Cognitive research tells us that students need to automate mathematical skills such as their times tables, in order to free their working memory so that they can focus on learning more complex skills and concepts.
Our Year 7 students begin each Mathematics lesson completing the game like program on the for a couple of minutes (or as long as it takes to listen to the accompanying rock song!).
It would be great if this practice could continue at home as well. As such, we would like to ask parents to encourage their daughters to join a Gig, Garage, Jamming, Studio, Soundcheck, Festival, Arena or Rockslam, so as to improve speed and accuracy!
Therese Black
Year 7 Poetry Incursion
On Friday, 25 February, the Year 7s had an amazing poetry incursion with Slam Poet, Joel McKerrow. Joel shared some of his poetry works with the year level and workshopped some strategies on how to effectively write poetry.
The Year 7s were enthralled and well entertained by the experience, and they left feeling inspired.
A group of twenty-five girls also decided to take up the English Enrichment opportunity, which is an intensive workshop with Joel. We encourage as many students as possible to engage in these enrichment opportunities as they arise.
Below is Emily Sleeman’s poem which she wrote during the workshop:
"My inspiration for this piece was a ruler and how perfect and straight its lines are. This can be related to social expectations of people and for some, this can be incredibly hard to deal with. I also thought about how everyone presumes that a ruler’s length is thirty centimetres, but if you include the space (without the metric markings) on either side of the ruler, its actual length is thirty-one centimetres. This can relate to many of us whom have a 'hidden side' to ourselves. This poem is basically about breaking free of society’s expectations and being who you really are, your true self."
A Ruler
A line. A time. A date. A way to do this, a way to do that. Away. Away I shy. Away, away and away I go.
Arrows surround me, pointing. As straight as a ruler they point. They point a way. The way they want me to go. I go away. Away from it. I can’t look back, I pursue truth. I want it, I’m hungry.
The lines, neat and perfectly ruled. Away I go. I pass rulers lying on the ground. The centimetres climb up to thirty centimetres. I want to scream, I want to be heard. “It’s thirty-one centimetres long,” I scream. No one hears. I run, run from it. Away. Away from the lines and the fake rulers.
Lies. They are lies. They loom over me. I push. I shove. Up and up. For the truth I long for is waiting for me.
I am so hungry. Up. Up. I hurt. Up. Up. Flying like an eagle. Others shy away, thinking I will shoot them down. I won’t. I fly. I fly. Up. Up. Up.
I break through the clouds. They push against me, but I pursue it. The thing. The truth. The life I want. I fly. Up, Up, up and up.
Punita Mistry
Head of English
Year 10 Student Mock Election
"As part of Year 10 Politics and Legal Studies, Ms Black and Mr Petrie’s classes researched, prepared and delivered a mock election representing the actual Australian political parties.
In small groups, we learnt about campaign strategies, policies, federal and state voting systems and the inner workings of a political party during the lead up to an election.
Prior to the assessment, we produced pamphlets, fliers, posters, baked goods, stickers, ‘How to Vote’ cards and presentations highlighting our policies.
We researched on some current real life world issues and created policies and campaigns for issues like equal pay for all, COVID-19 relief, Indigenous rights and protecting our environment which we then presented to the class. This was a great experience because it helped us to understand how an election worked in real life, taught us how to vote and how the votes were then counted.
On election day, we proposed our different policies, beliefs and party values. Some parties used incentive as a campaign strategy by bringing in lollies, stickers or cupcakes. Afterwards, we all received twenty-one vote cards, so that we could have a more realistic vote count and have the opportunity to adopt the real life voting system. After counting the votes carefully, one class realised that the Greens Party would have been elected into the 'žžTV electorate', with the Liberal Party finishing second, even though the Liberals were leading after the first round of vote counting. We really enjoyed developing our campaigns (researching policies and beliefs etc.), learning how elections worked behind the scenes, understanding the voting and counting systems and finally, acquiring knowledge on the real policies of Australian parties within our government."
Year 10 Students, Ava Barker, Alyssia Giacomantonio and Gabby Cossa
Michael Petrie
2022 Middle School Ethics Olympiad Finals
On Thursday, 24 February, Year 9 students Tia McCann, Cilla Brownlie, Mimi Mangan, Macy Hawkins, as well as Year 8 student, Holly Wright, represented žžTV College in the 2022 Middle School Ethics Olympiad Asia Pacific Finals. Students discussed ethical issues ranging from where it is most ethical to make charitable donations to the influence of peer pressure on the individual. žžTV College won the first round and came up against St Andrews Cathedral School NSW and Christian Covenant School ACT in the second and third – teams which became medallists at the end of the day. Though intellectually exhausting, most found it an uplifting experience and look forward to competing again later this year.
Annette Barker
Head of Learning Diversity
What We Love About Our Library
On Monday, 14 February, we celebrated Library Lovers’ Day in the Learning Centre. As part of the celebration, we asked our students to write about what they loved about libraries on sticky notes.
Here is a word bubble of what our students love about our Learning Centre.
To learn more about what our students have got to say about the Learning Centre, click .
Roxanne Summer
Head of Learning Centre
Career News
We are more than halfway through first term and I have enjoyed meeting with Year 12 students to discuss their future plans, and looking at the various pathways and courses that will enable them to reach their career goals.
In this week’s, Year 12s who are interested in studying at the Australian National University (ANU) are reminded that they can begin to gather information required for their application and should apply online directly to ANU. Applications are now open for the Early Offer program.
Students may also be interested in attending an online Monash course information seminar or students can book themselves in for a school holiday tour. There is limited availability for the tours, so get in quick!
There is also the accelerated Engineering Masters pathway at Monash, or the new Bachelor of Speech Pathology at Federation University. Speech pathologists are very much in demand at present, so this is a great course for any student who is interested in the Allied Health area.
Also featured in this week’s is another lesser known area of the Health Science and Allied Health: Nuclear Medicine Technologies. This career path has some great job opportunities for students who have studied Year 12 Maths Methods and Chemistry/Biology.
Lastly, I have included a Course Matrix of Nursing and Midwifery degrees in Victorian universities, as well as Enrolled Nursing course options, which will provide a great pathway into the Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Midwifery.